Tokenized Real Estate in India: How SEBI’s New Rules Change the Game

In a landmark development for tokenized real estate in India, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has introduced amendments to the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). SEBI announced the regulations in the Gazette of India, March 8, 2024. This pivotal move will change the sector by embracing the innovative concepts of tokenized real estate and fractional ownership. Moreover, by integrating these contemporary investment methodologies, SEBI aims to broaden access to real estate investments, ensuring a more inclusive and dynamic market.

Key Innovations and Implications for Tokenized Real Estate in India

Introduction of Small and Medium REITs (SM REITs)

Catering specifically to the burgeoning sector of tokenized real estate, SM REITs are designed to pool funds from investors for acquiring and managing real estate assets. This initiative underscores SEBI’s commitment to diversifying the real estate investment ecosystem, making it accessible to a wider range of investors through the mechanism of fractional ownership.

Tokenization and Fractional Ownership

The amendments provide a regulatory framework that supports the tokenization of real estate assets, enabling investors to buy shares or ‘tokens’ in property investments. This fractional ownership model democratizes access to real estate, allowing investors with varying capital capacities to partake in the real estate market. Therefore, by reducing the entry barrier, tokenized real estate promises to enhance liquidity and market efficiency.

Operational and Regulatory Clarity

The detailed provisions for the registration, operation, and management of SM REITs reflect SEBI’s approach to fostering a secure and transparent environment for tokenized real estate transactions. These measures will build investor confidence. Additionally, it will ensure that the interests of small and medium investors are safeguarded within this innovative investment.

Market Expansion and Innovation for Tokenized Real Estate in India

By integrating tokenization within the regulatory ambit of REITs, SEBI not only expands the market for real estate investments, but also paves the way for further innovations in this space. The tokenization of real estate assets should stimulate market activity, attract a new class of investors. It could further lead to the development of new financial products and services within the broader ecosystem of digital assets.


The SEBI’s amendments to the REITs Regulations mark a significant milestone in the evolution of tokenized real estate in India. By embracing tokenization and fractional ownership, SEBI is not just transforming the landscape of real estate investments, but is also setting a precedent for other markets to follow. Finally, this forward-looking approach is likely to catalyze growth, enhance market resilience, and unlock new opportunities for investors and stakeholders across the real estate sector.

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